It’s probably my proudest moment in business today where we re-release OCTIVO AGENCY, along with our new animation and website to the public.
About 3.5 years ago OCTIVO was soft-launched into the stratosphere with 5k and a dream. I never knew how amazing and tough it was to build an agency.The hunger has been real. The blood, sweat and tears are evident and have put plenty of strain on relationships with family and friends. I would like to say thank you to all those who have stuck by me, nurturing and supporting this venture; you know who you are.
A Search For Solace And Satisfaction
Only in these years have I found true happiness, along with what the Japanese call an “Ikigai” (a driving passion and life goal). This is my driving energy and light. I have backed myself and found solace in the unknown and have placed my trust in the universal process.
You Are Only As Good As The People You Surround Yourself With
We are sitting with a strong team of 7 amazing and talented designers and developers. Already we have been lucky enough to work with clients such as Grill’d, Cotton On and Coles, plus loads more. With all these experiences we continue to grow and evolve. I cannot thank the fam enough for all their hard work, past and present!
Please watch this video; it’s what we are about. Creativity is everything we strive for and also shows off our capabilities.
We are storytellers. We are creating brand stories. We are making digital learning beautiful, usable and fun!
Enjoy! Leave me some feedback and watch out for our corresponding communications: blogs, awesome tricks and tips to create better content.