The Year of the Remote Learner
The world of learning will never be the same. This year we’ve seen 1.2 billion children switch from classroom learning to remote learning. Countless organisations have transitioned their workers to home offices. In the learning and development world, 2020 has been the year of the remote learner.
The growth in education technology was huge pre-COVID, with global investments hitting over US $18 billion in 2019. Projections forecast education technology spend to be in the region of US $350 billion by 2025. $350 billion!
Where is this investment focused? We’re seeing increased interest in learning apps, remote workshops, virtual assessments, online learning software and virtual development platforms.
2020 has shown us that people thrive when they have the opportunity to access high quality learning on demand, when they need it and on the device of their choosing. Octivo has supported a range of clients over 2020 in adapting to working, learning and growing from home through high impact learning and development solutions.
We’re thankful for all the great work we’ve done with our clients this year. It’s been exhilarating. We’ve spent a lot of our time building learning solutions in leadership, mental and physical well being, safety and diversity and inclusion.
2020 has seen us support a wide range of clients, from higher education providers in Melbourne through to the world’s leading music company in Los Angeles.
It’s been quite a year.
We’d like to share with you highlights from two of our clients.

Universal Music Group
The world’s leading music company. Shaping culture through the power of artistry.
We’ve had many enjoyable conference calls to Los Angeles this year with Universal Music Group.
Their dedication to building leaders who forge a path for diversity and inclusion has been inspiring. We’ve supported UMG to build a strong suite of leadership modules to support their leaders to do just that.
We look forward to continuing this work in 2021.

Integrated Safety Support
Global leaders in occupational alertness and fatigue management
The work we’ve done with Integrated Safety Support will support organisations such as Telstra, the US Army, Australian Civil Airline Safety Authority, Boeing, Linfox and Boeing (to name but a few) build capability in mental and physical wellbeing. A particular favourite of ours is the work on ‘Healthy Boundaries and Habits when Working from Home’.
Resilience and mental health have played a critical role in wellbeing this year as many of the world’s workers have undertaken their duties from home. In 2021 we’ll be increasing our focus on learning solutions that build capability in mental health and wellbeing.

We’d like to thank all of our clients for your continued support, your vision and your creativity:

And now, as the world collectively begins to wind down, the Octivo team is pausing over the festive season to spend time with our favourite humans, doing the things that bring us the most joy.
Looking for a little holiday reading and listening? Check out our eBook ‘Six Lock and Key Secrets About How eLearning Experts Create Content with Measurable Impact’. This will help you kick off 2021 with a focus on learning that makes a difference.
Our team enjoyed listening to Brene Brown’s new podcast series ‘Dare to Lead’, a wealth of powerful podcasts from leadership discussions with Barack Obama to inclusivity at work with Aiko Bethea. We highly recommend a listen.
Octivo is back in action from 11 January, ready to continue the important and exciting work with our amazing clients.
From our tribe to yours – have a wonderful festive season.